Question Title

* 1. Name of school

Question Title

* 2. Case study title

Question Title

* 3. Case study context

Question Title

* 4. Summary of project as key points:

Question Title

* 5. Purpose

Question Title

* 6. What were your reasons for doing this work?

Question Title

* 7. Who were you targeting?

Question Title

* 8. What were your success criteria?

Question Title

* 9. What did you do? Example: Did you use spirals of enquiry

Question Title

* 10. What has been the impact on pupils?

Question Title

* 11. What has been the impact on teaching/ leadership?

Question Title

* 12. How have you shared your learning with others?

Question Title

* 13. Useful resources, websites, PowerPoints

It is the schools responsibility to ensure the relevant permissions to use content have been obtained

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* 14. Upload any documents you wish to share

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* 15. If we have any questions who should we contact?