Thank you for joining us in Dallas for the National Sales Summit! We hope you left feeling motivated, inspired and excited for the year ahead.

Please take a few moments to complete the survey below about your experience. 

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* 1. Overall, how was your experience at the National Sales Summit?

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* 2. What session, breakout or panel was most impactful or helpful for you? Why?

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* 3. What was the highlight of the event for you?

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* 4. Did you gain more insight into what "Excellence" looks like in your market?

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* 5. Tell us one thing you learned at the summit and put into action when you returned.

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* 6. Please rate your experience with online registration and travel booking.

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* 7. Please rate your hotel accommodations.

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* 8. Please rate the meals and entertainment at the event.

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* 9. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new Marketing materials or initiatives? 

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* 10. Any other comments or feedback you'd like to share?