Hello! We are the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies Green Teams interns, from Montclair State University. We hope to gain more insight from the Hackensack community about the effects of flooding and your personal experiences with green infrastructure. This is an anonymous survey and your participation is voluntary.

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* 1. Which race best describes you?

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* 2. Are you of Hispanic descent?

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* 3. Which gender do you identify with?

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* 4. What is your age group?

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* 6. What is your household annual income?

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* 7. Do you live and/or work in Hackensack? (check all that apply)

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* 8. If you live in Hackensack, what area do you live in?

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* 9. Have you or someone you know, experienced flooding while living in Hackensack?

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* 10. If yes to the previous question, where in Hackensack have you or someone you know experienced flooding? (select all that apply)

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* 11. How has flooding affected you or someone you know (be specific)?

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* 12. How often do you experience flooding in your neighborhood?

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* 13. Have you taken any measures to lessen the effects of flooding on your own property (e.g. rain barrel, increased vegetation, etc)?

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* 14. If yes to the previous question, what strategies have you implemented?

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* 15. Who do you go to for support if/when experiencing flooding? (select all that apply)

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* 16. Are you familiar with the term “green infrastructure”?

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* 17. Which of the following green infrastructure strategies are you familiar with?

  Very familiar Somewhat familiar Neutral Somewhat unfamiliar Very unfamiliar
Bioswales ( often along curbs, long and narrow patches of vegetation, or other permeable material to slow and filter stormwater runoff)
Rain Barrels (barrels that collect fallen rainwater from gutters)
Rain Gardens (a shallow sunken area of plants that collect stormwater runoff)
Permeable Surfaces/Pavement (Pavement that allows rain to filter into the soil )
Green Roofs (roofs covered in plants to allow rainfall infiltration)
Stormwater planters (small vegetated space that retains water by using multiple layers of mulch)