Round 16 - Royalties with Matt Bird 

Matt Bird is a partner and Senior Royalty Analyst at White Sky Royalty Accounting (WSRA). WSRA look after a wide range of royalty related activities, from artist royalty statement reviews, creating royalty statements on behalf of independent artists and labels, and royalty data analytics and advice.

The music industry is in a constant state of flux these days and keeping up with artist royalty streams can be daunting, with new opportunities popping up all the time. We want to make sure you’re getting all the income that you’re entitled to.

Within the Experts in Residence sessions, Matt can advise on a range of topics related to royalties. Each session will be tailored to the needs of each participant.

Topics that can be covered include:

-General Royalty Health Check
-Advice available and accessible royalty streams
-Indie label royalty accounting pitfalls
-Producer and collaborator deals and royalties
-Advise on interpreting royalty statements.

Matt will be running 60 minute online sessions (through First Nations people, people with disabilities, those who identify as culturally diverse and those who reside in regional Victoria are strongly encouraged to apply. 

Note: The VMDO Experts In Residence program is targeted towards Victorian professionals, currently working in independent music businesses.

For any queries, please contact

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* 1. Please enter your contact information

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* 2. How would you describe your identity? Check any that apply

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* 3. What is your gender identity?

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* 4. This project is catered for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in the royalties world, or just wanting to make sure that they are receiving all the income they’re entitled to. Tell us how you think you can benefit from being involved.