Food Safety Survey

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* 1. How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning because of the way food is prepared in their home?

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* 2. How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning from restaurant food compared to food prepared at home?

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* 3. Do you think contamination of food by microorganisms, such as germs, is a serious food safety problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a food safety problem at all?

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* 4. How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs or other microorganisms that could make you sick? Please use a 1 to 5 scale where 1 is “not at all likely” and 5 is “very likely.”

  Not at all likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
Raw Chicken?
Raw Pork?
Raw Beef?
Raw Fruits?
Raw Eggs?
Raw Vegetables?
Raw Shellfish?
Raw fish, like ceviche or sushi?

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* 5. How often do you prepare meals (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) in your household?

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* 6. Before you begin preparing food, how often do you wash your hands with soap?

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* 7. Do you ever prepare meals where you begin with raw fish or shellfish?

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* 8. Do you ever prepare meals where you begin with raw meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.)?

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* 9. In your home, how are hamburgers usually prepared?

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* 10. If you eat meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.) that is not thoroughly cooked, how likely are you to get sick?

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* 11. After you have cracked open raw eggs, do you usually continue cooking, or do you first rinse your hands with water, or wipe them, or wash them with soap?

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* 12. After handling raw meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.), do you usually continue cooking, or do you first rinse your hands with water, or wipe them, or wash them with soap?

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* 13. After handling raw fish, do you usually continue cooking, or do you first rinse your hands with water, or wipe them, or wash them with soap?

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* 14. If you cook a large pot of soup, stew, or other food with meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.), and want to save it for the next day, when do you put the food in the refrigerator?

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* 15. Have you ever heard of any of the following as a problem in food?

  Not at all likely
Somewhat likley
Very Likely
E. coli

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* 16. If you forget to wash your hands before you begin cooking, how likely are you to get sick?

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* 17. If vegetables you will eat raw happen to touch raw meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.), how likely are you to get sick?

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* 18. If you happen to leave cooked food out of the refrigerator at room temperature for 2 to 5 hours after it has finished cooking, and eat it, how likely are you to get sick?

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* 19. Do you have a food thermometer, such as a meat thermometer?

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* 20. Thinking of your usual habits over the past year, when you prepare raw chicken, such as breasts or legs - how often do you use a thermometer?

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* 21. Thinking of your usual habits over the past year, when you prepare baked egg dishes such as quiche, custard, or bread pudding - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook baked egg dishes?

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* 22. Thinking of your usual habits over the past year, when you prepare hamburgers - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook or grill hamburgers?

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* 23. Of the following two statements, which one is closer to your view - Do you think that certain types of people have a higher risk of getting food poisoning, or do you think that all types of people have about the same risk?

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* 24. Please provide any comments or feedback.