This survey ask about sustainability practices in the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) industry. The EPA defines sustainable business as practices as "economically sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources". This survey does not address broader ESG topics such as governance, human trafficking, etc.

Our Committment
We will treat all responses with the utmost confidentiality. Your individual data will never be shared outside of the research team, and all individual responses will be destroyed once analysis is complete. No people or companies will be identified in the report without express written consent. 

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your role in the selection of PPE?

Question Title

* 2. When selecting PPE, how important is it for the supplier to clearly calculate sustainability benefits (e.g. x% less packaging, y% recycled materials, etc.)?

Question Title

* 3. When selecting PPE, how important are the sustainability attributes of the product?

Question Title

* 4. Assuming no negative impact on performance, how important are the following product attributes to your PPE purchase decisions?

  Very important Somewhat important  Not very important  Not at all important
Recycled/recyclable packaging materials
Streamlined/reduced packaging
Recycled/recyclable materials in products
Increased product durability/longevity
“Take back”/end of life program
3rd party "green certifications" (e.g. Greenguard by UL)
Lifecycle assessments

Question Title

* 5. How likely are you to pay a reasonable  premium in the following scenarios for PPE with sustainability attributes? (TCO=total cost of ownership)

  Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely
If it moderately increases TCO but helps my company meet sustainability goals
If it has no impact on TCO and helps my company meet sustainability goals
If it moderately decreases TCO AND helps my company meet sustainability goals

Question Title

* 6. Over the next 3 years how important do you think the sustainability attributes of a product will be to your purchase decision?

Question Title

* 7. When picking between different suppliers of safety equipment and PPE, how important are the sustainability efforts & programs of the company itself?

Question Title

* 8. Over the next 3 years, how important do you think the sustainability efforts & programs of a supplier company will be to your purchase decision?