Recruiting Satisfaction

Please rate your service with HR while recruiting for a new employee.

Question Title

* Job Launch and Data Gathering

  Unacceptable Poor Fair Good Exceptional N/A
Timeliness of the requisition approval and initiation of the recruiting process:
Efficiency of the recruiter’s initial information gathering discussion with you before launching the job search:
Recruiter’s understanding of the job requirements and your needs:

Question Title

* Efficiency and Administration

  Unacceptable Poor Fair Good Exceptional N/A
Level of communication with the recruiter:
Timely adjustment of recruiting efforts during the recruiting process:
Effective use of technology and automation to improve recruiting results/outcomes:
Ease of decision making and scheduling:

Question Title

* Candidates

  Unacceptable Poor Fair Good Exceptional N/A
Quantity of candidates presented:
Quality of candidates presented:
Assessment and screening of candidates:

Question Title

* Special Recruiting Programs and Initiatives

  Unacceptable Poor Fair Good Exceptional N/A
Use and/or effectiveness of the employee referral program:
Use and/or effectiveness of special hiring events, such as open houses, job fairs, or networking with professional organizations:
Recruiter's anticipation of hiring needs and proactive pipelineing of candidates:

Question Title

* Overall Satisfaction with Recruiting

  Unacceptable Poor Fair Good Exceptional N/A
Overall process:

Question Title

* How satisfied are you with the Recruiters that have served you?

1-Not Satisfied 10-Very Satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* How satisfied are you with the customer service or courtesy of the recruiters serving you?

1-Not Satisfied 10-Very Satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* The aspect of the recruiting process exceeds my expectations the most is?

Question Title

* The aspect of the recruiting process that needs the most improvement is?