Elizabeth Fry Society - Client Feedback Survey

The Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society is committed to providing high quality programs and services.  We work with the community towards removing barriers for individuals receiving resources within our organization. We have, and will always continue to strive to provide the best possible programs and services for our community. 

• This survey is designed to give you a chance to evaluate the Elizabeth Fry Society programs and services.
• Reflect on your experience in the last while (6 months to a year).
• It takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
• All responses are anonymous.
1.Please select the program or service you most recently used:
2.What is the name of the staff member who helped you?
3.Please rate the following aspects of your experience with our staff members:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Ease of access
Knowledge of our programs
Timely communication
Treating you with dignity and respect
Understanding of your situation
Willingness to help
Offering appropriate advice
Effective use of technology
Overall satisfaction
4.How helpful was EFry to make it easy for you to handle your situation?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not helpful at all
5.How likely would you recommend Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society to others?
6.Would you rely on our programs or services again in the future?
7.Please feel free to give any other feedback or comments.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered