
Question Title

Thank you for taking the second in a series of surveys that the Elizabeth Dole Foundation has developed to measure the impact of COVID-19 on military and veteran caregivers and their families. This survey will build on an earlier survey by helping us (1) track how the needs of the military and veteran caregiver evolve as the COVID crisis persists and (2) define the specific challenges that military and veteran caregivers face regarding availability of medical supplies and personal protective equipment.

The first several questions in this survey are intentional similar to previous surveys so that we can track how military and veteran caregiver needs are changing as the COVID crisis deepens. The second half of the survey asks a series of detailed questions about the medical supplies and personal protective equipment that military and veteran caregivers use to provide care for their service member or veteran. Future surveys will include deep dives into other areas of need, such as back-up care.

This survey is completely anonymous and will only be used to inform programming and communications to the military and veteran caregiver community. Free-form text responses may be used in external survey reporting, but there will be no attribution of any quotations. Response time for this survey is expected to be approximately 20 minutes.

Please click "Next" to begin the survey.