Survey information

Healthwatch have recently engaged with patients who have been discharged from hospital with reablement support or into an intermediate care setting (report to be published in July 2024). We are now aiming to understand why there are a disproportionate number of ethnically diverse people accessing reablement and intermediate care compared with White British people.

This survey is for professionals in Calderdale and Kirklees who work in a hospital Discharge Lounge, Community Therapies, in Integrated Transfer of Care, or any other professional who has conversations with patients about their transfer of care to reablement or an intermediate care unit.

Closing date 31st July 2024

Approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All information is anonymous and will be stored in accordance with data protection legislation. If you would like to know more about how we use and store information, please look at our privacy statement.
If you have any questions or would like some support to do the survey, or if you would prefer to tell us about your experiences in a different way, please let us know:
- Healthwatch Calderdale: Email:, Tel: 01422 412141
- Healthwatch Kirklees: Email:, Tel: 01924 450379

Your views making a difference:
It’s quick and easy to share your experiences with us; your feedback gives health and social care service managers the information they need to make changes everyone in our community will benefit from.
We make sure NHS and social care managers hear your views and use them to make make it easier for you to manage your own health and well-being.
Thank you.

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* 1. What is your role within the healthcare system?

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* 2. How familiar are you with the reablement and intermediate care unit services offered to discharged patients?

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* 3. How confident are you in referring ethnically diverse patients to reablement or intermediate care services?

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* 4. Have you received training specifically about referring patients to reablement or intermediate care services?

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* 5. From your experience, what are the main barriers preventing ethnically diverse patients from accessing reablement or intermediate care services? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. In your experience, when people from ethnically diverse communities have declined the offer of reablement or intermediate care, could you give us any more information about the reasons why?

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* 7. What information and support do you provide when offering reablement or intermediate care to ethnically diverse patients? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. How effective do you think the communication methods used to inform patients about these services are?

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* 9. What challenges do you face when referring ethnically diverse patients to these services? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. What additional support or resources would help you in referring ethnically diverse patients to these services?

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* 11. In you opinion, do you believe the current reablement and intermediate care services meet the needs of ethnically diverse patients?

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* 12. What improvements do you think could be made to encourage more ethnically diverse patients to use reablement and intermediate care services?

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* 13. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the referral of ethnically diverse patients to reablement or intermediate care services?

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* 14. Which organisation do you work for?