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Your course experience

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* 1. We at TEDI (Teacher Empowerment for Disability Inclusion) are evaluating the effectiveness of the Educating Deaf Children: Becoming an Empowered Teacher online course and would like to invite you to participate in this evaluation. The findings of this evaluation will help us to better understand whether educators are being equipped with the necessary skills to meet the educational needs of learners who are Deaf, which will ultimately help to ensure that these learners receive a better education.

If you agree to participate in this evaluation, you will be asked to complete a pre-course survey (before you start the online course) and post-course survey (after you finish the online course). The surveys will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. They will focus on your experiences of participating in the online course. In general the questions that will be asked of you are not of a personal nature. Participation in this evaluation is also voluntary. You are free to decide not to answer a question or to stop participating in the evaluation at any time. If you are uncomfortable about anything arising from the research you can contact the principal investigator, Judith McKenzie (see contact details below). You will not be compensated or rewarded for participating in this study. In order to do this study we need your informed consent, and therefore you need to be over 18 years of age to participate.

Importantly, we will not use your real name in this evaluation: the answers you give will be put together with all those who participate, and no one person will be identifiable. In addition, the information from these evaluations will be stored in Google Drive folder which only the research team has access to.

If you have any questions or concerns about the evaluation you can contact Associate Professor Judith McKenzie, the principal investigator in this research (+2721 406 6318 or If you have any questions regarding your rights as a participant, you can also contact Professor Marc Blockman at the Human Research Ethics Committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town (+2721 406 6338).

I have read the above and understand that:

I am 18 years or older.
My participation in this evaluation is voluntary. I can stop the evaluation at any time and I do not have to answer questions that I do not want to.
The information I provide in this evaluation will be kept strictly confidential.
I will not be compensated or rewarded for participating in this evaluation.
I can contact Judith McKenzie or the Human Research Ethics Committee if I have any concerns regarding the research study.
Participating in this evaluation will not affect my course grade or completion status.
I voluntarily consent to participate in the research study as described and know that I am free to withdraw this consent at any time, and that doing so will not cause me any penalty (By selecting "Yes" you will be taken to the survey questions):

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* 2. How much of the course did you complete

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* 3. To what extent did you find the educator(s) engaging

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* 4. How would you rate the level of the course?

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* 5. Which devices did you use to study the course?

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* 6. Where did you do the course?

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* 7. What was your favourite part of the course, and why?

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* 8. What was your least favourite part of the course, and why? 

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* 9. How could the course be improved?

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* 10. Having taken this course, describe how your understanding of educating Deaf children has changed?

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* 11. What particular concepts or ideas about educating Deaf children did you find especially helpful? (Please select all that apply)

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* 12. What do you think you can apply in your context from having taken this course? Please explain your answer.

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* 13. How would you rate your overall experience of the course?

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* 14. How would you consider your readiness to support Deaf children after having participated in this course?

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* 15. How did you experience learning about educating Deaf children on an online platform?

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* 16. If you are an educator, how useful was this course in relation to your continuing professional development

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* 17. Would you like a follow-up to this course?

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* 18. Did you attempt any of the course assessments (quizzes and peer review assignments)?

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* 19. If you submitted a peer review assignment, did you:

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* 20. When doing a review of another person’s assignment, did you:

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* 21. Select the answer that best captures your general attitude to peer assignment and review:

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* 22. My experience of Peer Review assignments on this course were that they are (check all those that apply)

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* 23. Are you involved in teaching, training or helping other people learn (formally or informally), that is related to what was taught on this course?

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* 24. If you have made use of the course materials please specify how (mark those that apply)

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* 25. Did the open licencing, which allows re-use, assist you in being able to make use of the course material?

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* 26. Were there any challenges in re-using the course materials (check those that apply) 

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* 27. Would you refer someone to this course?

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* 29. Are you involved, or do you want to be involved in the education of learners who are Deaf in the future?

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* 30. Which of the following best describes your role in the education of children who are Deaf:

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* 31. As this is the first time we at TEDI (Teacher Empowerment for Disability Inclusion) are running this online course, it is important for us to evaluate it in more detail. The findings of this evaluation will contribute to a better understanding as to whether educators in South Africa (where our project is based) are being equipped with the necessary skills to support the special educational needs of learners with disabilities, which will ultimately help to ensure that these receive a better education. If you are an educator living in South Africa and your work currently involves or may in the future involve learners who are Deaf, we would therefore like to ask you if you would be willing to participate in a follow up focus group discussion:

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