This is a survey for providing information or submissions to the independent person tasked with making recommendations to Swim England for whether Ellesmere College Swimming Academy should be permitted to affiliate to Swim England, the national sports governing body for Swimming.

  • Ellesmere College Swimming Academy is not currently affiliated to Swim England.
  • A decision was made by Swim England in 2022 to disaffiliate the previous swimming club based at Ellesmere College, called Ellesmere College Titans following two safeguarding reports.
  • Ellesmere College Swimming Academy has applied to affiliate with Swim England. This means that it has asked to join Swim England and be bound by the Regulations and policies of Swim England and Swimming UK including their national safeguarding policy.
  • Katherine Apps KC has been appointed as the independent person. To read about what she is deciding and how she has been asked to do this, please click here. These are her “Terms of Reference.”
  • The independent person’s terms of reference do not include determining individual complaints against the school or the current Ellesmere College Swimming Academy (not affiliated), nor complaints against Swim England.

Katherine Apps KC has asked that this survey to be available to the public to fill in so that any person with relevant information or submissions relevant to the Terms of Reference to provide information.

If you are a child you may fill in this survey. You can either fill in this survey yourself or ask a trusted adult to help you. If you have had help filling in this survey, we will ask you on the final page whether you have had help.