ECMM Introduction

This RFI uses a survey website supported by a third-party commercial entity to gather the responses. The Government does not control the third-party's access to the responses; therefore, the Government cannot assure that the responses will be kept completely within Government control. While we do not expect to receive sensitive information in the responses, please consider your responses to be as thorough and detailed as possible, with the best interest to the government. Should you feel uncomfortable responding to a question, please email your response directly to:

The purpose of this Request for Information is to refresh market research information that was conducted more than 18 months ago IAW FAR 10.002(b)(1).

The Air Force Installation Contracting Agency (AFICA) is requesting information and conducting market research to determine the capabilities of vendors to provide non-personal services in support of the Air Force Expeditionary and Contingency Medical Materiel (ECMM) program. The contractor services shall be performed within the Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Theater of Operations. This Request for Information (RFI) is issued as a method of market research in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 10.

This is a REQUEST FOR INFORMATION. This does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quotation, Invitation for Bid, Solicitation, nor should it be construed in any way as a commitment by the Government.

The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this RFI, nor will the Government provide compensation for providing information. There is no solicitation available at this time, requests for a solicitation will not receive a response.  Responses are not offers, and the Government is not under any obligation to award a contract. Respondents are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI. If the Government decides to establish a contract for ECMM services, it will issue a RFP at a later date. Please monitor the Federal Business Opportunities website ( for future information regarding this potential requirement.

Respondents are also advised that submitting any information provides the Government express permission to use the data, pictures, and other information contained in the submittals for Government purposes. All information received in response to this RFI marked as "proprietary" will be handled accordingly. Information provided as a response to this RFI will not be returned.
The Government highly encourages all interested parties to provide a complete and thorough response to this RFI; however, not responding will not preclude participation should a solicitation be released.
12% of survey complete.