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ECHS Transportation Survey
Transportation Interest for 2020-21 School Year
In early August 2019, Governor Carney signed into law Senate Bill 166, making it possible for School Districts and Charter Schools to purchase and provide DART Annual Student Bus Passes from the Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) to students. Students may use the passes throughout the school year and into the summer, as the State wishes for students to be able to have access to job and internship opportunities.
The annual bus pass has now become an option for transportation available to our students. ECHS purchased only 10 passes for the 2019-20 school year, since the information was not readily available when the ECHS budget was completed for the school year.
These bus passes will certainly change the current hub stops for ECHS depending interest, so ECHS is gauging interest now in an effort to order the correct amount for the 2020-21 school year (next school year).
Please complete the survey below for each student in your household. We thank you!