East Contra Costa Groundwater Subbasin - DRAFT GROUNDWATER SUSTAINABILITY PLAN, Chapters 1 & 2 |
We Want Your Feedback - COMMENTS FOR NEXT DRAFT DUE by July 20, 2020
The East Contra Costa Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) seek your input on their Groundwater Sustainability Plan's (GSP) Chapters 1 and 2. This document is being prepared as part of the region's implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Additional chapters will be released on a quarterly basis throughout 2020. The table of contents for the full draft GSP is located HERE. Prior to offering comments, reviewers are encouraged to read through the table of contents and learn more about the topics that will be considered in the GSP.
A copy of Chapters 1 & 2 is HERE and an overview of the material covered in the chapters is in the figure below.
You may add additional comments or edit your comments on this same form as long as you are using the same computer.
Additional information about the East Contra Costa GSAs and SGMA is HERE. For inquiries, to provide more detailed comments, or to be included on the email list, please contact groundwaterinfo@dcd.cccounty.us.