Environmental Cleanup Communication and Outreach (ECCO) Initiative Community Member Voluntary Questionnaire


The public reporting burden for this collection of information, OMB Control Number 0704-0553, is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at whs.mc-alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-collections@mail.mil. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
DoD is engaged in an Environmental Cleanup Communication and Outreach (ECCO) Initiative to enhance communication with community members and other stakeholders.

This questionnaire provides an opportunity for members of the public to voluntarily provide input that will help DoD develop a more cohesive and collaborative approach to communication and engagement between DoD and local communities involved in environmental cleanup activities. Input provided by the public will not be shared outside the Department of Defense. Please do not include any personally identifiable information in your responses such as name or address.

This questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. For more information on the ECCO Initiative please click here
1.  Please specify which current or former military installation(s) you are responding about:
2.  Thinking about the installation(s) you are responding about in question #1, does the current or former military installation(s) have an active Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)?
In the following questions we will refer to the installation you cited as “the DoD cleanup program”.

3.  How do you currently receive information from the DoD cleanup program? (select all that apply)
4.  How would you prefer to receive information from the DoD cleanup program? (select all that apply)
5.  Are there other methods of communication/engagement that the DoD cleanup program should consider that are NOT listed above? (Innovative ideas are encouraged. Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
6.  How much trust do you have in the DoD cleanup program in the community?
Why do you feel this way? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
7.  How transparent do you think the DoD cleanup program has been in the community?
Why do you feel this way? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
8.  The DoD cleanup program has been responsive to questions and/or community concerns.
Why do you feel this way? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
9.  The information shared by the DoD cleanup program is easy to understand.
Why do you feel this way? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
10.  What aspects of how the DoD communicates about the cleanup program have been successful? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
11.  What can DoD personnel change to improve how they communicate/engage with the community about environmental cleanup activities? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
12.  The ECCOI team will be making site visits to various installations to better understand communication and outreach techniques. If you think the DoD cleanup program you are involved with should be considered, please provide the installation name and why you feel that way in the space below. (Visits are based on various factors so providing an answer does not guarantee a visit. Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
13.  Please provide any additional information you would like to share regarding DoD’s communication efforts regarding cleanup at the installation(s). (Please do not include any personally identifiable information such as name or address.)
Thank you for your participation! Your input is important to DoD and helps provide a better understanding of how we can improve dialogue or enhance communication with communities and other stakeholders.
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