Satisfaction Survey 

Please take a moment to fill out this survey.  We appreciate the feedback we receive and use it to provide the best possible supports and services to the individuals we support. 

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* 1. What is your overall impression of CDTC as a Developmental Disabilities service provider?

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* 2. Please provide your contact information (optional) 

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* 3. How likely would you be to refer persons with developmental disabilities to our program?

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* 4. What is your impression of the assistance we provide to individuals in our program?

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* 5. What is your impression of the quality of staff responses to requests or concerns?

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* 6. How professionally do the staff at Empower Cherokee conduct themselves?

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* 7. What is your impression of Empower Cherokee staff's ability to meet the needs of individuals we support?

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* 8. How timely are Empower Cherokee responses to your requests or questions?

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* 9. How satisfied are you with the safety measures we have in place at Empower Cherokee?

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* 10. Please rate Empower Cherokee on the following statement:  Empower Cherokee provides individualized supports to the people participating in their programs.

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* 11. How do you feel Empower Cherokee does at getting people supported connected to the community?

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* 12. If Empower Cherokee expanded services which ones would be the most beneficial to the community?  (choose all that apply) 

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* 13. Rank the items in below in the order of your familiarity with the following Empower Cherokee initiatives to assist people with developmental disabilities. 1 being you are the most aware and 5 you are the least aware.

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* 14. Based on your experience, what do you think Empower Cheorkee does well

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* 15. What do you think Empower Cherokee could do better based on your impression?