The introduction of the CSR Mandate in the Companies Act in 2013 led to an overhaul of the giving landscape in India and corporates across the country have been streamlining their community outreach initiatives to include more strategic giving aligned to their organization's long term strategy. Once considered as marginal to companies’ main businesses, CSR has now emerged out of the shadows and plays an integral role in a corporate’s main business.
Europe continues to be one of India’s largest trading partner with the European foreign direct investment in India (FDI: stock) rising from €34 billion (US$ 41.94billion) in 2013 to around €73 billion (US$ 90.05 billion) in 2016 with UK, France and Germany accounting for 64 per cent of the total investments. There are approximately 6000 European companies that have invested in the Indian market.
Introducing the EBG CSR Committee
Understanding the intricacies and challenges of the CSR Companies Act, EBG has curated a unique platform in the form of its CSR Committee to help European businesses operating in India navigate the CSR and giving landscape effectively.

The committee aims to serve as a CSR knowledge sharing and networking forum where members can:
  • Interact with their peer network and share learnings, challenges, insights, and perspectives
  • Address important questions about CSR, sustainability, and reporting
  • Strengthen social alliances with credible NGOs
  • Explore collaborations leading to the creation of larger more impactful initiatives which in turn will have the possibility of getting government and media partners on board. Thus, creating favourable situations for the corporate organisations and the project at large
  • Use this forum to achieve deeper social impact and add larger value to their CSR portfolios. 
With this larger objective in mind we seek your active participation in formulating the goals and plans for the committee. We would like to begin by taking a pulse check*. 

*Estimated time to complete the survey is 7 minutes.