The East Branch DuPage River Trail (EBDRT) is a 28-mile regional trail in central DuPage County, designed as a multi-use path that generally follows the East Branch DuPage River. It is part of the County's long-term vision for a trail network that connects multiple communities, offering both scenic recreation and transportation opportunities. Currently, the DuPage County Division of Transportation (DuDOT) is working to extend the EBDRT from the Illinois Prairie Path in Lombard to Butterfield Road (IL 56) in Glen Ellyn.
We’re looking for your feedback on the East Branch DuPage River Trail (EBDRT) extension. We want to hear from you about how, when, and why you’d use the trail. Your feedback on preferred trail facilities and route selection is crucial to making this a successful project. Several alternatives have been identified to meet project goals. The study team would like stakeholder input on identified alternatives and any new ideas for consideration.
Please fill out this survey to ensure that your voice is heard.
Learn more at ebdrt.com.