Thank you for your interest in lending your expertise to the EBAA Membership! Please use the form below to share the topics you would be interested in speaking on during a future meeting or program. 

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* 1. Please enter your information below. 

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* 2. Are you a Medical Director for your eye bank?

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* 3. Please select presentations formats that you would be interested in creating content or a presentation.

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* 4. Please indicate if you would be interested in presenting on any of the following topics at the Annual Meeting or at a future EBAA event or online program. Check all that apply.

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* 5. Comments. Please use this space to include any comments about your answers above. Also, please let us know if you envision any of the topics above being presented with someone from your eye bank. 

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* 6. Please use this space to list any topics that you would be interested in presenting to eye bank professionals or eye bank Medical Directors that are not listed above. Please list the topic and the intended audience.

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* 7. Comments. Please use this space to provide additional details regarding any of the topics you are proposing.

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* 8. Are you planning on attending the 2021 EBAA Annual Meeting (June 9-12, 2021)?

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* 9. Are you interested in presenting during a webinar presentation? 

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* 10. Are you interested in creating/providing short videos of a specific procedure or technique for eyeLEARN?

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* 11. Are you interested in being contacted about possible presentation opportunities that are not listed here?

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* 12. Presentation Topic/ Speaker Suggestions: Please list any suggestions you may have for speakers and topics to include at the Annual Meeting or during the Cornea and Eye Banking Forum. 

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* 13. Additional Comments. Please use this space to include any additional comments you would like to share.