General Survey

         Our union contract expires June 30, 2023. We’re preparing now to negotiate the best possible contract that will lift up our State, our families and our communities. We’re not waiting. State employees deserve the best. In order to win the best, we need as many of our coworkers to be involved and engaged as possible. 
           As always, we prepare for bargaining with our eyes wide open. We know we’ll face a tough bargaining environment, but we’re confident we’ll be successful when MSEA-SEIU members unite behind a well-considered bargaining strategy and militant member-led field program to hold the State accountable to your needs. 
          Please take a few moments to fill out this bargaining survey and let us know your highest priorities for bargaining. For the first time, we included a section on additional issues impacting our families like child care, elder care and communities such as the impact of staffing on services because our futures are tied together. You’ll also have the opportunity to nominate yourself or other coworkers to the negotiating team as well as other ways to get involved in building a strong contract campaign. 
        Our goal is to reach an overwhelming majority of State employees with this survey. We are only as strong as our membership is engaged and united. In order to win the best possible contract, we need as many coworkers involved in fighting for better wages, benefits and working conditions. This survey is the first step. 
         When you have completed the survey, please forward this email to your coworkers’ personal email and ask them to make their voice heard.

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* 2. Job Title

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* 3. How long have you worked for state of Maine?

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* 4. Please respond to the following:

  Better than 2 years ago About the same as 2 years ago Worse than 2 years ago
My quality of life is
My morale about my work is
My job satisfaction is

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* 5. Do you have to work a second job in order to make ends meet?

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* 6. What issue at work do you most hope to address in 2023 negotiations?

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* 7. Two bargaining cycles ago we won a process for a pay and compensation study.  The pay study is complete and we are nearing completion of the compensation study.  These two pieces will help shape larger economic proposals but we also wanted to take a moment to dig into some other areas.  Please rank the following non-economic issues in order to of importance to you:

  Most important Second importance Third in importance Least important
Increasing Time Off
Child care / elder care costs
Increasing Mileage Reimbursement
Paying for College or Student Loans

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* 8. Please rank the following issues in order to of importance to you:

  Most important Second importance Third in importance Fourth in importance Fifth in importance Sixth in importance Seventh in importance Least important
Safety at Work
Ability to Work from Home
Improving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Increasing Opportunities for Training
Work Life Balance/ Flexible Scheduling/ Flexibility at Work
Fully Staffing my Department
Retaining Staff
Fairness at Work/ Voice in Decisions