EAN 2024 Network Survey

This EAN Network Survey invites participation from all EAN Members and Public Sector Partners.

Your answers will be kept confidential and only anonymized results will be shared. However, if you feel comfortable sharing your name at the end of this survey, the EAN core staff would appreciate being able to reach out with questions or to clarify any responses. Entering your name will also qualify you to be entered in a drawing for $200 toward a green energy purchase of your choice - an energy audit? a ton of wood pellets? an electric lawn mower or snow blower? gear to make walk or bike commuting more safe or comfortable in all weather? The winner will get to choose. (Note: EAN staff and board are not eligible to be entered in the prize drawing.)
1.What sector do you represent?(Required.)
2.Are you currently part of the EAN Network? (If you aren't sure, you can see a list on the EAN website and/or in the EAN Annual Progress Report for Vermont.)(Required.)
3.Do you agree or disagree that EAN's work adds value to the collective efforts in Vermont to achieve our energy and climate commitments?(Required.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
4.Do you agree or disagree that EAN's work adds value to your organization and/or field of work?(Required.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
5.Please rank the specific ways in which EAN adds value for you and/or your organization / business.(Required.)
Very Valuable 
Somewhat valuable
Not very valuable
Not at all valuable
EAN’s Annual Progress Report for Vermont on Emissions, Energy, Equity, and the Economy
EAN’s Annual Summit and/or 2024 Post-Election Gathering
EAN Network Action Teams and working groups
Speaker series events and webinars
Online Energy and GHG dashboards
Research briefs and reports by EAN Staff or Interns
Monthly Total Energy News e-newsletter
Social media posts (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook)
Strengthening relationships between organizations and businesses concerned with energy and climate issues in Vermont
6.Optional: In your own words, please share how EAN most adds value to your work and/or to advancing Vermont’s overall energy and climate efforts.
7.If you are involved in any EAN Network Action Teams or working groups, which team or group are you involved in? What is going well with that team or group? What could be improved?
8.What are the most valuable efforts or actions that multiple members of the EAN network can work on together in 2025?
Are there additional working groups or Network Action Teams that EAN should consider hosting in 2025?
9.What speakers or topics would you like to see covered in an EAN webinar or in-person event in 2025?
10.What new or updated research by EAN would be valuable to your work in 2025?
11.Is there anything else you would like to share about the work of EAN the non-profit or the Network as a whole? (including any feedback you may have relating to the 2024 EAN Summit or Post-Election Gathering)
12.What organization, company, department, or university do you represent? (optional)
13.What is your name? (optional - but needed if you want to be included in the prize drawing for $200 toward a green energy purchase of your choice.)