Summit Survey for Attendees

Question Title

* Overall, how would you rate the 2023 EAN Summit?

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* Which days of the Summit did you attend?

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* How likely is it that you would recommend the EAN annual summit to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* What were the highlights of the Summit for you?

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* How could the Summit have better served your needs?

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* How would you rate the Summit venue overall (including the location, space, transportation options, and food)?

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* In terms of relationship-building, collaboration, and opportunities to forward our shared mission, how valuable were the networking opportunities at the Summit?

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* How would you rate each of the following agenda items in terms of value?

  Not so Valuable Somewhat Valuable Very Valuable N/A or did not attend
Day 1: Unveiling of the new EAN Annual Progress Report for Vermont
Day 1: Climate and Energy leadership for Vermont Panel
Day 1: Presentation of Seddon Award and Berndt Award
Day 1: Funding Climate Action in Vermont Panel
Day 1: Network Action Team plans and priorities panel
Day 1: Address to the Network
Day 1: Reception and dinner
Networking opportunities
Day 2: Discussion about funding and finance
Day 2: Discussion about Communications and Program Design

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* What additional topics/perspectives should we make sure are included at future Summits (What should we hear about?  Who should we hear from ? Who should be in the room?)

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* Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* What is your name and/or organization?