Walking and e-mobility devices |
Tell Queensland Walks about your experience walking and mixing with e-mobility device riders in Qld.
We are interested to hear from Queensland walkers, or visitors who walk in Queensland and the increasing use of e-mobility.
Brisbane City Council issued a Draft e-mobility strategy. This strategy deals with the proposed expansion of the use of 'electric-mobility' (e-mobility): e-scooter, e-bike , and other existing and future e-mobility devices for hire and private use. Whilst this strategy just relates to one local area, we are looking for feedback from across Queensland to help inform our response to councils.
We’d like your views. As this is one of the first e-mobility strategies in Queensland, we need your feedback.
Please note, responses to the Draft e-mobility strategy are now closed however we will be encouraging responses to our survey until the end of March.
Your feedback will help Queensland Walks form policy, position statements and strategy responses.
* Queensland Walks uses the Queensland Transport and Main Roads definition of walking:
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