Burdekin Shire Council - Draft Burdekin Sport and Recreation Plan

The Burdekin Shire Council invites community members to participate in the consultation process for the Draft Update of the Burdekin Sport and Recreation Plan. Following extensive consultations earlier this year, a draft plan is now complete, and we are looking for your feedback to ensure it aligns with the needs and aspirations of our community. Please complete a feedback form below.

Feedback will be open for two weeks, providing a valuable opportunity for residents to share their insights. We encourage everyone to fill out the feedback forms available.

Don’t miss out on this chance to make your voice heard. Together, let’s build a healthier, more active Burdekin Shire!
1.What is your Name? (optional)
2.Did you participate in surveys/community forums held earlier this year?
3.Do you have any feedback or suggestions on the Draft Sport and Recreation Plan?
4.Are you happy to be contacted in relation to feedback you have provided?