With the passing of Dr. Norman Schatz , NOVEL will be featuring an obituary as part of the NANOS Historical Collection. We would also like to include a series of short professional vignettes from the membership.

Please limit to 2-3 lines so that we can include as many as possible. Also, please type your name, degrees, city and state/country so that we have correct attribution.

To submit, please kindly complete the information below by Tuesday July 30th, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. First Name (this is required for correct attribution) 

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Degree

Question Title

* 4. City

Question Title

* 5. State

Question Title

* 6. Country

Question Title

* 7. Share your short professional vignette. Please limit to 2-3 lines so that we can include as many as possible.

Question Title

* 8. Please give NANOS your consent to use the information you have provided above in the NOVEL, NANOS website or other NANOS materials.

Thank you for sharing your professional vignette.