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Downtown IS...
A Community Survey for the Idaho Springs Downtown Plan
The City of Idaho Springs is embarking on a Downtown Master Plan - "Downtown IS..." - to guide continued improvements to our National Historic District and adjacent streets and blocks. The majority of this planning effort will occur this summer, starting with this community survey. The city’s consultant team of planners, architects, and engineers will be leading a design workshop on June 30th and July 1st, with a variety of fun and interactive ways for you to participate! The project will focus on public area improvements to downtown, such as expanding opportunities for open space, outdoor dining, and community events – as well as improving downtown’s parking management and circulation. The result will be a master plan that the city and property owners can use to prioritize future improvements for the next 20-30 years. Please complete this survey, that will be available online, by direct mailers, or picked up and dropped off in person at City Hall.