Dorset Council is currently developing a Sports Facility Plan to ensure the long-term sport and recreation needs of the community are met. This Plan is being developed in conjunction with the Northern Tasmania Development Corporation and ROSS Planning.

The Facility Plan will be a community document and as such, your input is important to create an accurate snapshot and a basis for developing recommendations for the future. It will provide a shared and clearly defined vision for the upgrade and development of sporting facilities across the Dorset Council area.

Please note: Your feedback and data collected from this survey will only be used in the preparation of this Facility Plan.

Question Title

* 1. Which part of Dorset Council area do you live in?

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* 2. What gender do you identify yourself as?

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* 3. What is your age group?

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* 4. Do you or your family participate in any sporting activities within Dorset Council area?

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* 5. Are you or your family a member of a sports club or organisation? If yes, please list the club/clubs name in the space below

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* 6. What sporting facility/facilities do you or your family use?

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* 7. In regards to the sporting facility/facilities you listed in Q4 above, what do you use the facility for? I.e. AFL, yoga, netball, other

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* 8. On average, how often do you or your family use the above facility/facilities?

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* 9. Are there any improvements that could be made to the facility/facilities you use? Please detail below and include the reasons why.

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* 10. How far do you or your family currently travel to participate in your chosen sport?

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* 11. Out of 5, with 1 being a very low priority and 5 being a very high priority, what priority do you think sport and formal recreation should be for Dorset Council?

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* 12. Have you or your family experienced any barriers to using sporting facilities within the Dorset Council Area? Please tick all that apply

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* 13. Are there any sports you or your family would like to participate in but can't because they are not currently provided for within the Dorset Council Area? Please provide details below

Question Title

* 14. Out of 5, 1 being poor, 5 being great, how would you rate the overall quality of sporting and associated facilities in your local area?

  1 (Very poor) 2 3 4 5 (Great) Don't know
Aquatic facilities
Sports field surfaces
Sports field lighting
Indoor sports centres
Outdoor sports courts
Car parking
Shaded areas
Public amenities

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* 15. What are your TOP THREE sporting priorities that should be funded in Dorset Council Area over the next 10 years?

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* 16. Do you have any other comments or concerns about sport provision within the Dorset Council Area? If yes, please specify.

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* 17. Have you read the Draft Sports Facility Plan?

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* 18. Do you agree with the recommendations in the Draft Sports Facility Plan for your sport?

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* 19. If you would like to be kept informed of the progress of the Dorset Council Sports Facility Plan, please leave your name and either email address or postal address in the spaces below.