Question Title

* 1. Please enter your name

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your employee number

Welcome to our Customer Loyalty Approach Training!  We are thrilled that you are here. 
This training program consists of short video presentations, check for understanding questions in a variety of formats, and further clarification via text.  Be sure to set aside approximately 30 minutes and when you are finished, you will have a better knowledge of our Customer Loyalty Approach!

Please begin by viewing the video below:

Please answer the items below based on what you learned in the video:

Question Title

* 4. Happy Employees ultimately leads to which of the following:

Question Title

* 5. Donnelly Effect's Customer Loyalty Approach has been developed using years of practical experience from which organization:

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following kinds of leaders do we say are the cornerstone of customer loyalty: (please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. According to our Customer Loyalty Approach, please put these items in the correct order

  1 2 3 4 5
Business results
Customer loyalty
Responsible, engaged and Inspired employees
Delighted customers
Responsible, engaged and Inspired leaders
Donnelly Effect offers many options to share this message with your organization; understanding that shaping a culture of service takes commitment, collaboration and a solid plan.  The following BONUS items address Donnelly Effect services - see if you can get all of these correct!

Question Title

* 8. BONUS: What services can Donnelly Effect offer to YOUR organization to develop responsible, engaged, inspired leaders and employees who work happy, delight your customers, and improve your business results? (Please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. BONUS: The best chance of success in shaping a culture of service throughout an organization requires commitment from many stakeholders.  Which of the following is NOT a stakeholder in your organization:

Donnelly Effect offers a comprehensive list of development topics in a variety of formats.  Please rate the following topics from 1-5 based on your organizations needs: 1 is less of a need and 5 is of great need:

Question Title

* 10. Donnelly Effect offers a comprehensive list of MANAGER AND LEADERSHIP development topics in a variety of formats.  Please rate the following from 1-3 based on your organizations needs: 1 is less of a need and 3 is of great need.

  1 2 3
Customer Service: Build Loyalty by Design 
Leadership: Inspire + Deliver 
People Management: Raise ‘Em Up
Service Culture: Improve Employee Engagement + Guest Experience
Talent Selection & Hiring: How to Recruit, Hire & Retain Best-Fit Employees
Employee Onboarding: Move from Compliance to Commitment
Customer Service Essentials for Font Line Employees
Customer Service: Awesome Arrivals and Fond Farewells
Customer Service: Service Recovery
Customer Service: People, Place and Process

Question Title

* 11. Donnelly Effect also offers a comprehensive list of FRONT LINE EMPLOYEE development topics in a variety of formats. Please rate the following from 1-3 based on your organizations needs: 1 is less of a need and 3 is of great need.

  1 2 3
Customer Service Essentials for Font Line Employees
Customer Service: Awesome Arrivals and Fond Farewells
Customer Service: Service Recovery
Customer Service: People, Place and Process
Thank you for your time and participation in today's training!  Please click "Finished" below to complete your training and see your score.  For more information on Donnelly Effect and our service offerings, please check out our website at, or give us a ring at 410-212-4471.  We look forward to hearing from you and have a great day!