District Volunteering Survey

Districts in the BSA are responsible for carrying out four standard functions: program, unit service, membership and finance.

The purpose of this Survey is to solicit your ideas about how you might help "beyond" just one Unit through these functions. Nearly every role could use more help, assistants and potential successors ... and new services, events and programs may arise if someone has the passion for it ... completing the survey does not put you in a role, but lets the District Chair know what you want to do (the Chair, in consult with the District Executives, makes assignments).

Question Title

* 1. First, can you give us this information so that we can follow up with you on your answers and ideas ....

Question Title

* 2. In what "Function" of the District might you want to help? Program/Activities? Unit Service/Communication? Membership? Finance?

The program functions concentrate on helping Scouting units with multi-unit activities, camping promotion, community service promotion, training adult volunteers, youth advancement, and recognition of youth and adults, all of which activities are “unit support” to help units do more.

The unit service function of “commissioners” provides direct coaching and consultation by volunteer commissioners for unit adults to help ensure the success of every Scouting unit -- so commissioners stay abreast of and/or are involved in nearly all district unit support functions, and have a communication function to ensure units know of good program support opportunities -- all of which is designed to support Membership growth and retention.

The membership function strives for growth through new members joining existing units and (where needed) growth through the organization of new Scouting units – this should integrate with many areas of unit support and unit service areas (like training, activities and commissioner service of unit counseling), all of which help units be successful.

The finance function sees that the district provides its share of funds to the total council operating budget, and can support units in fundraising and financial practices.

So ... in what "Function" of the District might you want to help?