Distinguished Student Service Award Description

This award recognizes the outstanding contributions made by a student member of a state board of education or student member of a state board student advisory council. This award is not required to be awarded if a candidate of sufficient merit is not among those recommended.

A nominee for the Distinguished Student Service Award must be a current student member or a student member who has recently concluded their service, and who demonstrates the following attributes:
  • has made specific and identifiable impacts on the policy discussions and actions of the state board of which the student is a member.
  • exemplified throughout the individual’s service the finest objective, informed, nonpartisan leadership on issues within the individual’s purview.
  • demonstrated successful collaboration with other individuals, organizations, or agencies for effective, mutually beneficial purposes.
  • has participated in NASBE activity and made a meaningful impact on NASBE’s commitment to being informed by student voice.

Please provide your own information and then answer the following questions concerning the individual you are nominating. Awards will be presented at NASBE's Annual Conference in October 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Nominator's Name:

Question Title

* 2. Nominator's Organization/Title:

Question Title

* 3. Nominator's Address

Question Title

* 4. Nominator's Telephone (please provide at least 1):

Question Title

* 5. Nominator's Email Address: