1. Disaster Information Seeking Behavior

Dear Participant:

This research aims to investigate factors that are believed to influence individuals’ reliance on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) for information that could be helpful in coping with disasters such as the Coronavirus pandemic. Kindly respond to the following survey which takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is highly appreciated. Collected data will be anonymously and collectively used only for research purposes. No individual cases will be reported.

Thank you,

The Researchers

Question Title

* 1. Section A: Demographic Information

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Education

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* 4. Nationality: Please specify __________________________________________________

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* 5. Occupation: Please specify __________________________________________________

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* 6. Which of the following social media platforms you are actively using (check multiple answers)?

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* 7. On average, how much time do you spend daily on social media?

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* 8. Compared to other online sources (e.g., Yahoo news, Google News, Mail Online, etc.) and traditional media (e.g., TV, newspapers, radio, etc.), to what extent do you use social media to obtain updates on disasters that concern you such as Coronavirus pandemic?

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate the extent to which you have used social media for information to cope with disasters such as the Coronavirus pandemic. Indicate your usage level on the provided 5-point scale (1 = never used and 5 = most frequently used).

  Never used Rarely used Occasionally used Frequently used Most frequently used
Information on disaster-related threats.
Information on rescue and medical procedures availability. 
Information on the wellbeing of friends and family members.
Information on needed resources (food, water, supplies) status and availability.
Information on other people's previous experience with similar disasters.
Information on government and public agencies responses and recommendations.

Question Title

* 10. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree  Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work.
Getting people to do the right things depends upon ability; luck has nothing to do with It.
What happens to me is my own doing.
Many of the unhappy things in people's lives are partly due to bad luck.
Many times, I feel that I have little influence over the things that happen to me.

Question Title

* 11. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible.

Question Title

* 12. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I would rather avoid solving a problem that must be viewed from several different perspectives.
I try to avoid situations that are ambiguous.
I prefer familiar situations to new ones.
I enjoy tackling problems that are complex enough to be ambiguous.
I generally prefer novelty over familiarity.
I find it hard to make a choice when the outcome is uncertain.

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Disasters-related information available on social media is pretty much what I need to know about the situation.
Disasters-related information available on social media sufficiently meets my information needs about the situation.
Social media satisfy my information needs about disasters more adequately compared to other online information sources.
Social media information on disasters is helpful.
Disasters-related information available on social media is useful.
Disasters-related information available on social media enables me to validate the information that I already have about disasters.

Question Title

* 14. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I am more knowledgeable than most of my friends about using social media.
I can explain to others how to use social media.
I can troubleshoot problems while visiting social media.
I do not consider myself skillful while visiting social media.
I can easily use social media to find and follow the news that interests me.

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Overall, social media information on disasters is accurate.
Overall, social media Information on disasters is relevant.
Overall, social media information on disasters is complete.
Overall, social media information on disasters is politically motivated.
Overall, social media information on disasters is up-to-date.

Question Title

* 16. Section C: Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the listed statements on the provided 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I will use social media in the future to seek information on disasters that concern me.
I am not willing to seek information on disasters that concern me from social media.
I plan in the future to seek more information from the social media on disasters that concern me.
I intend to use social media in the future to find more information on disasters that concern me.
In the future, I will try to use social media to seek as much information as I can about disasters that concern me.

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* 17. Please use the space below to add opinions/views you may have.