Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable. Strongly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable. Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable. Slightly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable. Slightly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable. Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are knowledgeable. Strongly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts. Strongly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts. Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts. Slightly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts. Slightly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts. Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are not experts. Strongly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy. Strongly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy. Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy. Slightly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy. Slightly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy. Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are trustworthy. Strongly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable. Strongly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable. Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable. Slightly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable. Slightly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable. Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are reliable. Strongly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible.
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible. Strongly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible. Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible. Slightly Disagree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible. Slightly Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible. Agree
Overall, the providers of information on disasters on social media are credible. Strongly Agree