Call for Applications for Workshop

Disability Data: Workshop on the Measurement of Disability taking place on the 10 of June, in New York. Prior to the 11th session of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) mandates that ratifying States Parties “collect appropriate information, including statistical and research data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to the present Convention”.

The Workshop will include modules on the
i) Importance of Data
ii) Concepts and Definitions,
iii) Data Collection Methods and Tools
iv) Making Use of Data.

As an outcome, participants are expected to:
- Have increased their knowledge of main issues related to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and use of data on disability;
- Have strengthened their understanding about appropriate data collection methods and tools;
- Have deepened their knowledge of how to read and interpret data on persons with disabilities;
- Understand how to disseminate and use data effectively to promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

*To read the full concept note please click here

If you would like to apply to participate in the workshop, please take 5 minutes to fill out the application form.

Application deadline is 15th of May.

Question Title

* 1. Personal Details:

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* 2. Personal Details:

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* 3. Organization Type

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* 4. Title (National/Regional/Global Organization)

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* 5. What's your nationality?

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* 6. In which country are you based/work from?

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* 7. Will you be attending the 11th Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (12-14 June)?

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* 8. Will you be attending the civil society session with the CRPD Committee on 11 June?

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* 9. Do you required funding for

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* 10. Have you worked on data before?

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* 11. Are there official data (published by the government) on persons with disabilities in your country?

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* 12. Are you familiar with the following tools to collect data on persons with disabilities?

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* 13. Has your country done a disability-specific national survey in the last 10 years?

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* 14. Does your organization routinely generate disability data?

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* 15. What is your experience with disability data? Please detail any relevant advocacy activities undertaken in this regard. 

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* 16. What is your experience with the Agenda 2030? Please detail any relevant advocacy activities undertaken in this regard. (250 words)

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* 17. What is your experience with the implementation of the UN CRPD in your country/region? Please detail any relevant advocacy activities undertaken in this regard. (250 words)