AMaGA Victoria offers member organisations in Victoria the opportunity to borrow digitisation equipment, promoting the safekeeping and documentation of collection materials and enhancing audience access through digital means. Members can choose from a variety of equipment at no cost, including cameras, backdrops, scanners, archival kits, and digitisation props.

Given that 2024 is the first year the program is running, we will endeavour to review the format and make applicable changes for following years. If you are not selected for this intake round, you are most welcome to apply again the following year.

The following Expression of Interest form contains a series of questions which will help us select which groups will borrow the equipment for this round. As we only have three full digitisation kits, six groups will be selected for the Equipment Lending Program each year.


Each lending period is set for four months, from February to June and July to November each year. Participating organisations must keep their selected equipment for the entire duration of their lending period, and extensions will not be possible.


Participating organisations will need to pick up their selected equipment on a fixed date (as determined by AMaGA Victoria), from the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton, to conduct a handover session with AMaGA Victoria staff and receive a detailed overview of how to set up their chosen material. A fixed date will also be set for the return of equipment – organisations will need to return their equipment to the Royal Exhibition Building on this date (as determined by AMaGA Victoria) to ensure all equipment is in working condition.

If you are interested in borrowing equipment but believe you would be unable to pick up or return the equipment to the Royal Exhibition Building, delivery options may be available; however, the cost would need to be covered by the borrowing organisation.

The use of this digitisation equipment is free of charge. However, if your organisation does choose to hire a kit that contains consumables (e.g. nitrile gloves, cleaning utensils, stationery), we would kindly ask for a $5 fee to allow us to replace these items for future groups.

Eligibility: EOIs are open to all AMaGA Victoria member organisations.

Expressions of Interest for this round close on 12 July 2024 at 5:00 PM.
If you would like to discuss the hiring program before you submit your application, please send an email to enquiries@amagavic.org.au.