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100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. About your role:

Question Title

* 2. About your school / the sector you work in:

Question Title

* 3. Privacy statement
The researchers are committed to protecting your privacy and processing your personal information fairly and in line with privacy laws and requirements. Information you provide may be used by authorised Campion Education staff and commissioned researchers for the purpose for which it was collected. Research results will be aggregated and anonymised. You are not required to provide personal details to complete this research. We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else without your consent, unless we are authorised or required to do so by law. We take all reasonable steps to ensure appropriate technical and organisational security measures are in place and maintained to protect personal information. If you choose to provide your name and contact details, you may request withdrawal of your consent to your personal information being held by contacting the researchers care of
Thank you for your contribution.

Question Title

* 4. For each of the following positions in your school please rate the level of involvement in digital technology strategy:

  Not involved Somewhat involved Contributor Significantly involved Lead decision maker 
Asst Principal for Teaching and Learning / Curriculum
Director of Innovation / eLearning / Digital Transformation
IT Managers and Staff
Heads of Department or Faculty (teaching)
School Council
Business Manager
Head of Library

Question Title

* 5. Where do you consider your school to be in the use of digital technology?
(as availability of tools and resources varies across year level and discipline, please think about the level of uptake generally against what is available)

  Currently Desired future state (1 year from now) Desired future state (3+ years from now)
Early in digital journey - low use of digital tools and resources
Dual learning utilising both digital and print tools and resources
Highly tech enabled - almost entirely digital tools and resources, with print materials primarily used as fallback or where digital options unavailable
Unsure / other

Question Title

* 6. What types of digital technologies have you experienced at this school?

  Not used Used a little Use regularly Would like to use more but there are barriers Use occasionally, not relevant / not valuable for my area
PDF textbooks
Interactive textbooks
Learning software (born digital, replacing a textbook)
Management / Connectivity / LMS tools such as Compass, Canvas, Google Classroom, Schoolbox etc
Virtual reality / augmented reality for education
AI for education (eg assistance with personalised learning or marking, admin tasks or planning)
Educational game portals such as Minecraft
Consolidation platforms such as MyConnect that include content from multiple publishers and suppliers

Question Title

* 7. What were the driving motivations in determining your school's digital technology strategy?

  Unimportant Somewhat unimportant Neutral  Somewhat important Extremely important
Accessibility for varying learning styles and capabilities
Potential learning outcomes and benefits
Connectivity for students (eg wifi, study from home etc)
Environmental considerations
External brand - community understanding of our school
Student screen time

Question Title

* 8. To what extent has your school seen benefits from your digital technology strategy?

  Change initiated recently, too soon to judge Benefits slower than anticipated Benefits as anticipated Benefits greater than anticipated
Accessibility for varying learning styles and capabilities
Potential learning outcomes and benefits
Connectivity for students (eg wifi, study from home etc)
Environmental considerations
External brand - community understanding of our school
Student screen time

Question Title

* 9. What were the key commercial considerations in developing your digital technology strategy?

  Unimportant Somewhat unimportant Neutral  Somewhat important Extremely important
Cost of hardware and software for students
Clarity of communication and information available 
Funding capacity 
Internal resourcing
Staff technical skills
Support from learning partners (Campion, publishers, edtech companies)

Question Title

* 10. To what extent were commercial expectations realised?

  Change initiated recently, too soon to judge More challenging than expected Considerations proved to be as expected  Less challenging than expected 
Cost of hardware and software for students
Clarity of communication and information available 
Funding capacity 
Internal resourcing
Staff technical skills
Support from learning partners (Campion, publishers, edtech companies)

Question Title

* 11. What are the key attributes that you seek in your school's technology partners?

  Unimportant Somewhat unimportant Neutral Somewhat important Extremely important
All rounder with traditional as well as digital capabilities and support, reducing complexity for school
Extensive customer support and technical support for school and parents
Deep understanding of the needs of the school community
Trusted reputation 
Strong data management and adherence to privacy policies 
Affordable for families
Cost efficacy for school
Provide quality curated content for teaching and learning (create or partner)
Ease of use; all set up done for us

Question Title

* 12. What do you expect will CHANGE at your school in the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 13. What else would you like to say about digital technologies in your school / use of technology for teaching and learning?

Question Title

* 14. The outcome of this research will be a report that will be shared with participants, so you can understand how your school benchmarks against other Australian schools, providing important research with depth of coverage directly relevant and useful to digital decision makers.
If you would like to see this report please provide your contact details. (Your participation in this research will be kept confidential).