Diamond Head (Lē‘ahi) State Monument
The State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks (State Parks) is proposing improvements to the Diamond Head State Monument (DHSM) in an effort to enhance the visitor experience in and around the crater. Please visit http://arcg.is/11miOi to learn more about State Parks' visioning and planning efforts.
We invite you to share your thoughts with us in the following questionnaire, which has an approximate completion time of 6 minutes. Questions that require a response are marked by an asterisk (*). The information you provide will contribute to the implementation of the DHSM Master Plan.
General inquiries regarding the survey or the DHSM can be directed to Ms. Yara Lamadrid-Rose (yara.l.lamadrid-rose@hawaii.gov). Thank you for your participation. Your perspective is very important to us.
We invite you to share your thoughts with us in the following questionnaire, which has an approximate completion time of 6 minutes. Questions that require a response are marked by an asterisk (*). The information you provide will contribute to the implementation of the DHSM Master Plan.
General inquiries regarding the survey or the DHSM can be directed to Ms. Yara Lamadrid-Rose (yara.l.lamadrid-rose@hawaii.gov). Thank you for your participation. Your perspective is very important to us.