Fishing for less well-known species survey

Migratory fish populations, species that spend some of their lifecycle in both seas and rivers, such as salmon, but also lesser known species such as shad, are declining in many European countries and future predictions also suggest some species will see northward and southward changes in distribution under climate change scenarios. This may increase or decrease their availability to recreational fishing and the economic benefits it brings to businesses in local areas, as well as the enjoyment and associated health and social benefits for fishers. As part of a multi national European project, 'DiadES', (, Presentation Video) we are assessing the recreational fishing interest in migratory species (e.g. thin-lipped mullet, smelt and flounder) and recording the economic benefits they support. In this way we can provide better evidence to inform future policy and management to support these species populations and the activities related to them.

If you would like to contribute, please take 10 minutes to complete this survey which has questions on your fish catching activities.  Some of the questions reflect the methods that fish are captured in European countries. Your participation in the survey is very much appreciated as this study relies on your knowledge and experience as a 'citizen scientist' angler/fisher. In Ireland the DIADES case study area is the Suir, Nore, Barrow and Waterford Harbour catchment but we are also seeking your survey information on the named fish species generally within Ireland.  

Answers will remain confidential and only anonymised and grouped data will be used in the analysis and reporting. By taking part you are consenting to your data being used as part of this study. You have the right to withdraw from this survey or to request your data are removed from the project up until 20th June 2021 by emailing your request and the survey date and survey identification of your questionnaire to:  You do not have to answer any individual question if you do not wish to do so.


Question Title

* 1. Date and Survey Identification (date and individual number – please add today’s date and an ID number, e.g. use your parents initials and a memorable house or flat number (e.g. MAWA3). The survey ID you provide will allow you to identify your data if you want it withdrawn at a later date.