Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey.
Your feedback will help us improve our service offerings for those living with dementia, their families, care partners, and healthcare staff.

Question Title

* 1. Please tick the description(s) which fits you best. You may tick as many as apply to you.
I am a...

Question Title

* 2. In the last 2 years, have you attended a training course, dementia café (virtual or in person), or event organized by Engaging Dementia?

Question Title

* 3. If you selected "no" to the question above, please let us know why.
Select as many as apply to you, then proceed to Q.10

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* 4. Please select all courses and/or events you have attended with us in the last 2 years

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* 5. Which training or event did you most recently attend? Please include the date if possible.

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* 6. How useful was the last training you attended with us in supporting you in your work/role?
1= " not useful at all" , 10 = "very useful"

If you have not attended training with us please skip this question

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the quality of training delivery by the tutors.
1 = "very poorly delivered" , 10 "excellently delivered"

If you have not attended training with us please skip this question

Question Title

* 8. Please suggest 3 ways in which we can improve our training and/or events

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* 9. Please tell us what you found to be most useful or enjoyable aspect of the last training or event you attended with Engaging Dementia

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* 11. Which other training topics would like us to offer?
Please give details in the box below:

Question Title

* 12. Which method of training delivery suits you best?

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* 13. If you work in a nursing home, how many staff members are Sonas Programme Licensed Practitioners?

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* 14. If you have 1 or more Sonas Programme Licensed Practitioners, how many Sonas sessions are run each week?

Question Title

* 15. (Optional)

Please enter your name, phone number and email address if you would like to enter our draw to win a place on an upcoming training course of your choosing.

t&cs: Course voucher is valid for 12 months. The winner will be drawn by Nov 1st 2023 and will be contacted using the details provided. Your personal data will be secured under our data protection policy : View our privacy statement
Thank you so much for completing our survey.
Your insights will help us to shape the future of our services and are greatly appreciated.