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Before completing this application, please read the mission and requirements statement below.

If you are unable to submit your application digitally, please contact us at or call 740-833-2115 to obtain a printed version of this application.

While you should be able to save your work on this application and return to it later to complete, we would advise you to review the full application, compose your answers offline, and assemble the needed files before starting on its completion.

The deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 8, 2024. This is a FIRM deadline. Please note that, unlike in previous funding cycles, once a grant is approved, its purpose can NOT be changed or redirected to another project. If the money awarded is not used for the approved purpose, the grant will be forfeited. This program is also returning to a reimbursement format: Grant monies will be released only AFTER submission of paid invoices.

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* 1. Do you acknowledge that you have read and understand Part 1 of the following mission and requirements statement about the Delaware County Commissioners' Community Enhancement Grant program?

The Delaware County Board of Commissioners desires to enhance the quality of life in Delaware County by awarding limited monetary grants to eligible charitable agencies within the county on the basis of the agencies’ needs and the direct benefit they provide to the community. These grants will provide nonprofit organizations in the County a financial resource to complete projects or activities designed to improve the delivery, quality, and efficiency of programs and services to Delaware County residents.

The total amount available for grants will be determined as part of the annual budget prior to the application period. There will be no limit on the number of agencies allowed to apply, but the funding available will not increase or decrease based on the number of qualified applications. Additionally, there is no requirement that all the funds appropriated to this program shall be spent. Therefore, if there are not enough eligible projects to utilize the funds available, the remaining funds may be re-appropriated to other purposes in that fiscal year.

Application for a grant is no guarantee of funding. Each year there are more applicants and increases in the total amount requested. These grants are considered competitive and failure to receive funding in the current year does not preclude an organization’s ability to apply in future years.

The awarding of Community Enhancement Grants is within the sole discretion of the Board of Commissioners and will be made only upon consideration of written applications, and subject to the requirements and criteria set forth below.

Priority for awards will be given to those organizations that have a project that can be considered a “one time” project, activity, or capital improvement that enhances the community or the organization’s ability to serve the County.

Consideration may be given to those organizations that have not received funding in the past in an effort to distribute these funds to as many organizations as possible. While receiving an award in previous grant cycles will not disqualify an agency from receiving an award in the current fiscal year, it will be a consideration made by the Commissioners during the deliberation process.

Information about the request for grant applications will be distributed to the local media, on the Commissioners’ website and on social media (for example Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). In addition to these public notices, emails (if an email address is on file) or letters will be sent to prior award applicants to let them know that applications are being considered.

The application period will be open for three weeks. Once the applications period is closed, the grant requests will be reviewed by a committee formed by the County Administrator, which will prepare and present an award recommendation to the Commissioners. Grant applications will not be considered if a complete application is submitted after the deadline: This includes all required attachments/ancillary materials.

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* 2. Do you acknowledge that you have read and understand Part 2 of the following mission and requirements statement about the Delaware County Commissioners' Community Enhancement Grant program?

It is the goal that within three (3) weeks of the application period close date, the review committee will determine which projects meet the criteria set forth in this document, and those agencies with eligible projects may be contacted to answer questions about, or provide additional information in support of, their application. The review committee will then prepare and present its award recommendation for consideration at a session of the Commissioners, after which the agencies receiving grant awards will be notified and the projects being funded will be announced publicly.

As a condition of receiving grant funding, an agency shall be required to enter into a grant agreement with the Commissioners. Awards made by the Commissioners are considered reimbursement grants, and recipients shall be required to submit adequate documentation of the expenses incurred in accordance with the grant agreement. Once the agency expends the funds, they will submit an invoice to the Commissioners’ Office for reimbursement. The reimbursement request will include the invoice paid in relation to the project and proof of payment (cancelled check, bank statement, etc.).

Please note: the Commissioners’ Office will not pay the contractors or other payees for the projects directly. Funds will only be dispersed to the agencies awarded grants and only after those agencies have paid the appropriate payees. All invoices or quotes must be submitted to the Commissioners’ Office within the time period set forth in the grant agreement, with grant periods dependent upon the project, activity, or service to be funded, not to exceed twelve (12) months.

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* 3. Name of your organization:

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* 4. Your organization's address (street, town, zip code):

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* 5. Name of a contact person for the organization and this application:

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* 6. Phone number for this contact person:

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* 7. Email address for this contact person:

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* 8. Does your organization meet the following definition for a charitable agency:

An eligible charitable agency for this program is defined as an organization that the IRS recognizes as exempt from taxation OR an organization whose funds are managed by The Foundation for Delaware County which maintains a 501(c)(3) status for other organizations to take advantage of to support their charitable causes. This definition includes organizations that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or other applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

“To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.” (

The exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3) are charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals. The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency. (

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* 9. While any non-profit and or charitable organization in the County is welcome to apply for the grant, agencies that meet all or most of the criteria below will be given priority consideration. Please answer YES/NO for each of the following questions:

Does your organization provide programs or services that benefit the Delaware County community as a whole, without regard to any recognized protected class?

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* 10. Is your organization structured to support a need within the Delaware County community? Examples include: health, safety, nutrition, families, children, education, senior citizens, finance, transportation, environment, culture, and neighborhood enhancement.

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* 11. Will your organization be able to maintain its tax-exempt status with the IRS for the duration of the grant period?

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* 12. Does your organization comply with all Ohio laws applicable to charitable agencies and is an agency eligible to receive funds appropriated by the Commissioners as defined under the following Ohio Revised Codes: 307.23, 307.26, 307.692, 307.76, 307.761, 307.85(A), 307.85(B), 1711.22and 307.698?

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* 13. Is your organization directed by an active board of trustees who have no material conflicts of interest?

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* 14. Has your organization been in existence for at least three (3) years prior to application?

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* 15. Does your organization have a stated policy of non-discrimination and comply with all federal and state laws and regulations on non-discrimination and equal opportunity?

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* 16. The operating revenue of the organization, as reported on the most recent 990 report, must be less than $2.5 million. Does your organization meet this standard?

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* 17. Does your organization agree to be subject to audit to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with these eligibility criteria?

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* 18. Does your organization understand and agree to meet these specific criteria for this grant program:

1) Project or activity must be ready to be completed within the period of the grant award, not to exceed twelve (12) months.

2) Monies requested must not be used to fund operating expenses.

3) Requests are limited to one (1) project per agency. Requests made for multiple projects with the intent for the Commissioners to choose one project or multiple projects will not be considered.

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* 19. Please enter a 2-3 sentence summary of the project you would like to complete and an estimate of the start and finish times for the project:

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* 20. In 2-3 sentences, please explain how this project will help and or enhance the Delaware County community:

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* 21. Amount requested in $ (this should be an estimate of the project cost or, if available, an actual quote from a vendor or contractor):

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* 22. To complete this application, we require the following attachments:

1) Proof of tax-exempt status

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* 23. 2) Copy of three (3) most recent 990 reports (or comparable tax form)

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* 24. 3) List of board members and their professional and/or other volunteer affiliations

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* 25. 4) Copy of your organization’s policy of non-discrimination

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* 26. 5) A detailed estimate of project cost or, if available, a quote from a vendor or contractor

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* 27. 6) Presentation materials (can be a PowerPoint file and/or a PDF handout)

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