Dean Clinic Service User Experience Survey 2025

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services aims to provide the highest quality of mental healthcare; to promote mental health; and to advocate for the rights of those who experience mental health difficulties.

The purpose of this survey is to help us to understand your experience of attending our Dean Clinics, either in person or remotely access. The responses to this survey will be reviewed and used to help us improve and develop the services we offer.

We would be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to complete this survey. The survey does not identify you and all information provided will be treated as confidential.

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* 1. About you

What is your gender?

I identify as:

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* 2. Your age range in years:

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. How did you hear about the Dean Clinic Service?

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* 5. To help us meet the different needs of our service users, it is important we learn about your access or disability needs.

Do you have any access or disability needs? This may include sensory needs.

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* 6. While you were attending your Dean Clinic, either in-person or remotely, did you have any difficulties:

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* 7. How did you attend your most recent Dean Clinic appointment?

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* 8. What type of device did you use to access your most recent Dean Clinic appointment remotely?

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* 9. If you needed technical support to access your appointment remotely, did you contact the Service User IT Support (SUITS) service?

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* 10. If you did contact the SUITS service, how would you rate the techical support they provided where 1 is poor and 10 is excellent?

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* 11. Please tell us about your experience of attending your Dean Clinic appointment in-person.

  Strongly agree Agree  Neither agree or disagree Disagree  Strongly disagree
a) The information I was given in advance of my appointment was helpful.
b) It was convenient for me to access the Dean Clinic.
c) I was welcomed in a friendly and professional manner by the Dean Clinic staff.
d) I was shown where the facilities were in the Dean Clinic, such as the bathroom and waiting room.

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* 12. Please tell us about your experience of attending your Dean Clinic appointment remotely by selecting how much you agreed or disagree with each of the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree  Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
a) It was convenient for me to access my appointment remotely.
b) It was clearly explained to me how to access my appointment phone or MS Teams.
c) Attending my appointment remotely was a positive experience.
d) I would consider the option of attending Dean Clinic appointments remotely in the future.

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* 13. Tell us about your experience of the following while attending your Dean Clinic appointment by selecting how much you agree or disagree with these statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
a) I was treated with dignity and respect.
b) My confidentiality was protected.
c) My privacy was respected.
d) I felt included in decisions about my treatment.
e) I trusted my doctor or therapist or nurse.
f) Members of my care team talked to me about 'Your Portal' and explained its benefits.
f) My appointment was value for money.
g) I would recommend the Dean Clinic to family and friends.

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* 14. Compassion and empathy

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
SPMHS staff were compassionate. I felt they cared and understood me.
SPMHS staff were empathetic. I felt they understood my experiences and emotions.

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* 15. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall care and treatment while attending your Dean Clinic appointment where 1 is poor and 10 is excellent?

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* 16. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience of the Dean Clinic appointment where 1 is poor and 10 is excellent?

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* 17. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your most recent experience of attending your Dean Clinic appointment?

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* 18. Do you provide consent for us to share your feedback anonymously on our website, social media and/or printed materials to help raise awareness of St Patrick's Mental Health Services?