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Preliminary Details

So you can think you can bust moves like no other or strut your stuff in fursuit?
Then this is the place for you! We want you to be part of this year's Fursuit Dance Competition held at CFz!

For all the rules and regulations please read the FAQ before signing up: CLICK HERE

We are closing the form on the 2nd of May 11:59:59PM GMT. To give the preliminaries judges enough time to decide and for you to prepare your actual performance we shall post the names of the competitors online on the 6th of May 8PM GMT.

Question Title

* 1. Group or Solo?

Question Title

* 2. Name
(Enter the name of the character or group you are performing in)

Question Title

* 3. Your Email

Question Title

* 4. Alternative Contact (Telegram, Discord etc)

Question Title

* 5. There is a possibility that we will have the Paws on Water (Dance Battles) on the same day. Do you still want to register for this event if both are being held on the same day?

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