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Coventry is currently updating its plans for parenting support offered in the city.

As a Dad in Coventry, we are keen to hear your thoughts to help us develop this work further. The survey will take around 5 - 7 minutes to complete.

All information will remain anonymous, we may share anonymised data with carefully selected partners whose role is to help us provide services. This will not include any information that may identify you.

We will use the data we collect to help us ensure we are meeting the needs of all Coventry parents, equalities questions are optional but help us build a picture of the emerging needs of Coventry parents and help us plan ahead.

Drawing on your experience, please can you answer the following questions?

Coventry City Council complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller. The information collected in this survey will be used by Coventry City Council officers to help with improving services. All information produced will be anonymised. Information is held on the secure survey platform SurveyMonkey. Any data collected by SurveyMonkey for us is stored on servers in the United States of America. A link to their privacy notice can be found here. SurveyMonkey is required to keep your personal data safe and secure. They have agreed to treat the information confidentially and are not permitted to use your information for their own purposes. More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the Data Protection legislation can be found in our privacy notice.
Everyone knows that some new mums may struggle initially during pregnancy and after the birth of their child or children, Mums are encouraged to build networks and access services to help them talk about their feelings and get the help they need.

What is less common is the knowledge that some new dads may struggle with the same thoughts and feelings and need to talk about their feelings, especially about fatherhood and it's demands. It is common to feel overwhelmed as a new parent and we recognise, and research shows us, that some services may overlook the needs of fathers. This might result in other targeted or specialist services following the same pattern.

The earlier we can provide the right support for both parents the better, this means that parents can provide great support for their children from the very beginning.

This survey may be the 1st time as a father you have been asked to share your views and experiences, but we are keen to find out from you what you need, how and when.
The feedback from this survey will help us develop the parenting strategy 2024 - 2027.

Please do answer the questions below as honestly as you can, it is important that we understand the things that are good and not so good and get this right for you and future generations.

Question Title

* 1. How many children do you have?

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* 2. What age are your children? (tick all that apply)

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* 3. Do any of your children have a disability?

0 of 39 answered