The Business Record is surveying marketing and public relations professionals for a future article in the Business Record. Our goal is to put together a list of common mistakes that businesses make when it comes to their marketing efforts, and identify potential remedies. In addition, we're gathering a list of trends that businesses should be aware of. Share your advice and it could be featured in a future edition of the Business Record.

*Note: By answering the questions in this survey you consent the Business Record to use your comments in our print and electronic products.

Question Title

* 1. What is a top mistake that you see businesses make in their marketing, branding or public relations work, AND how does it negatively affect the business?
(Responses 100 words or fewer have the best chance for publication)

TIP: Be specific. The more specific you get with the type of mistake, the more applicable it will be. Don't just say: "Businesses often don't have a marketing strategy." Do say, "Businesses often end up with conflicting messages in their advertisements."
TIP: Don't give advice on how to avoid the mistake or fix the mistake... you can do that below! 

Question Title

* 2. Given the top mistake you identified, what is the best strategy for a business to either remedy/avoid the mistake AND/OR what SHOULD a business be doing?
(Responses 100 words or fewer have the best chance for publication)

TIP: Again, be specific with your advice. Business leaders are looking for actionable pieces of advice.

Question Title

* 3. What's one marketing/branding/PR trend that is around the corner that businesses need to be aware of?
(Responses 100 words or fewer have the best chance for publication)

TIP: Be forward thinking. Help businesses see the trend that maybe isn't quite here yet, or a trend they might start to hear about in the future.

Question Title

* 4. Contact Info: 

*** If you would like your comments considered for publication, please give us some basic information about yourself (Only name, title, company -- if provided -- will be published)