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* 1. What is your connection to the City of Monterey? If more than one answer, pick the one that best describes the reason you spend time there.

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* 2. How do you typically travel throughout the City of Monterey?

Question Title

The following map displays the 10 case study locations that were selected for improvements as part of this local road safety plan. These locations were selected through a data screening, as well as input from City officials, citizen requests, from key stakeholders such as Monterey Fire and Monterey Police Department. These locations will be studied for future improvements that will increase safety for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Please refer to this map for questions 4 - 10.

The following map displays the 10 case study locations that were selected for improvements as part of this local road safety plan. These locations were selected through a data screening, as well as input from City officials, citizen requests, from key stakeholders such as Monterey Fire and Monterey Police Department. These locations will be studied for future improvements that will increase safety for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Please refer to this map for questions 4 - 10.

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* 4. Other than these 10 locations, where else within the city do you currently experience safety challenges?

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* 5. As a PEDESTRIAN, what is your primary safety concern?

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* 6. As a BICYCLIST, what is your primary safety concern?

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* 7. As a DRIVER, what is your primary safety concern?

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* 8. As a PEDESTRIAN, Which safety improvements do you recommend for the locations you have chosen above?

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* 9. As a Bicyclist, Which safety improvements do you recommend for the locations you have chosen above?

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* 10. As a DRIVER, Which safety improvements do you recommend for the locations you have chosen above?

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* 11. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?

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* 12. How old are you?

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* 13. What is your gender?

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* 14. What is the zip code where you reside?

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* 15. Is there anything else related to safety you would like to share to this survey?