1. We need your help.

To address complex problems it is important to have a shared understanding of what we are working on together. The County is seeking to create a definition of the word, "equity," as it relates to how we serve our communities; how we do business; and how we attract and retain County employees. Your feedback on this brief voluntary survey will help develop a common understanding of equity to shape an Equity Framework for our County. 
We will not ask for your name, but demographic information will help us understand what voices are being heard and included.  This will help us develop better solutions. 
WHAT IS "EQUITY"? There are many definitions of the word, equity. We want to create a definition that fits the community of the County of Santa Cruz. To get started, below are some examples of how others have defined equity:
  • Referring to the illustration at the top of the survey, Equity is compared to the term Equality. In the image on the left, all of the people are given an equal sized box to stand on to watch a sport game over a fence, but that "equal" treatment does not meet everyone's needs, nor does it result in the desired outcome of everyone seeing the game over the fence. The image on the right shows each individual receiving a resource specific to their needs, an equitable solution that allows every person to view and enjoy the game.
  • Freedom from bias or favoritism (Mirriam-Webster Dictionary)

  • Getting what we need to survive or succeed—access to opportunity, networks, resources, and supports... (Stanford Social Innovation Review)

  • Adjusting processes and redistributing resources to ensure that individuals who...experience greater barriers relative to others may enjoy the same opportunities, benefits, and services. (County of Santa Cruz 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Employee Survey)

  • Recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances... (National Association of Colleges and Employers)

Thinking about how we can best define equity specifically for the County of Santa Cruz, please respond to the survey questions below.

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* 1. Consider the following words or phrases below that are typically used when speaking about equity. Please identify the top 5 that you believe are the most important to include when defining "equity" for the County of Santa Cruz.

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* 2. What County service(s) do you use?

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* 3. When you think of the County providing services, do you view it as an open or closed door, or a locked window?

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* 4. Please share positive experiences you have had when seeking services from the County. In other words, what has the County done well?

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* 5. Have you observed or experienced challenges that make it harder to receive services from the County? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

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* 6. "Equity" is a frequently used word. What does it mean to you?

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* 7. How could the County show you that equity matters?

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* 8. What is your home Zip Code?

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* 9. What is your age?

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* 10. How do you describe your race and ethnicity? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY, and add any specifics in the text box at the end of the question, if desired.

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* 11. How do you describe your gender identity?

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* 12. Do you have a long-lasting or chronic condition (such as physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, emotional, or other condition) that requires ongoing accommodations for you to conduct daily life activities (such as your ability to see, hear, speak, learn, remember, or concentrate)?

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100% of survey complete.