Countywide Visioning

As part of the General Plan Update for the unincorporated county, the General Plan Team held an initial set of workshops in various locations throughout the county between June 12th and June 20th, 2024. This survey allows those who did not have a chance to attend an in-person workshop to still provide feedback which will help establish a long-term vision for the county’s future.

Vision statements help in guiding the direction and focus of the overall General Plan, including its guiding principles, goals, policies, and programs. They are generally positive, visionary, and forward thinking.

We appreciate your time in taking this survey!

Question Title

* 1. What county assets should the General Plan capitalize on?
Please give a few short examples.

Some examples of assets include: recreation opportunities, close-knit communities, etc.

Question Title

* 2. What county challenges should the General Plan address?
Please give a few short examples.

Some examples of challenges include: environmental hazards, infrastructure, etc.

Question Title

* 3. What county opportunities should the General Plan explore?
Please give a few short examples.

Some examples of opportunities include: natural resources, agriculture, etc.


Question Title

* 4. Countywide Issues: Please identify the issues of highest concern to you. (Select up to 3 issues)

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* 5. Are there any other issues besides the ones mentioned above which are of concern to you? If so, please briefly explain them below.


Question Title

* 6. What do you love about Siskiyou County? Please provide your top three responses.

  • Unique values and quality of life
  • Strong sense of community
  • Communities with small town feel
  • Accessible recreation and open space
  • Natural Environment
  • Agriculture
  • Colorful history
  • Etc.


Question Title

* 7. Would you like to receive updates about the General Plan updates via email? If so, please put your email address in the space below. This is not a requirement in order to submit your survey responses.
All email addresses collected over the course of the General Plan Update will exclusively be used to send e-blasts, newsletters, and other important project updates.