100% of survey complete.
Congratulations! It’s the 50th anniversary of your graduation from Montclair State. 

Share highlights from the past 50 years. Please complete the survey below and we will include your information in a printed booklet created for you and fellow alumni from the Class of 1969. Let your classmates know about your family, career(s), travel, and accomplishments. Even if you are unable to attend the reunion, a book will be mailed to you. Please complete by Monday, May 6.

Thank you and we look forward to celebrating with you!

Question Title

* 1. Do you plan to attend any of the reunion activities?

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Question Title

* 3. Maiden Name

Question Title

* 4. Last Name

Question Title

* 5. Address (Street, City, State, Zip)

Question Title

* 6. Phone

Question Title

* 7. E-mail

Question Title

* 8. Marital Status

Question Title

* 9. Spouse/Partner Information:

Question Title

* 10. Number of Children

Question Title

* 11. Number of grandchildren

Question Title

* 12. Number of great grandchildren

Question Title

* 13. Miles you will travel to the reunion

Question Title

* 14. Tell us about your career

Question Title

* 15. Hobbies

Question Title

* 16. Highest degree earned

Question Title

* 17. Greatest Honor/Achievement

Question Title

* 18. Montclair State faculty who influenced you

Question Title

* 19. Please share a fond or funny Montclair memory

Question Title

* 20. Most unusual life experience