Peer Support Mentee 1 Year Evaluation

Peer Support Mentee 1 Year Evaluation

2.In what state or U.S. territory do you currently work? (Required.)
3.Date started in Peer Support Program (month/year):
4.Today's date:(Required.)
5.Your mentor's name:(Required.)
6.Have you and your mentor continued the mentoring relationship since you completed the 6-month evaluation?
7.As a result of the Peer Support Program, indicate the level of progress that you feel you have achieved for each of the Essential Services on which you focused.
Considerable Progress
Some Progress
No Progress 
Not Applicable
Assess and monitor the population's oral health status, factors that influence oral health, and community needs and assets.
Investigate, diagnose and address oral health problems and hazards affecting the population.
Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about oral health and influencing factors and educate/impower them to achieve and maintain optimal oral health.
Mobilize community partners to leverage resources and advocate for/act on oral health issues.
Develop, champion and implement policies, laws and systemic plans that support state, territory and community oral health efforts.
Review, educate about and enforce laws and regulations that promote oral health and ensure safe oral health practices.
Reduce barriers to care and assure access to and use of personal and population-based oral health services.
Assure an adequate, culturally competent and skilled public and private oral health workforce.
Improve and innovate dental public health functions through ongoing evaluation, research and continuous quality improvement.
Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for dental public health.
8.As a result of the Peer Support Program, indicate the level of progress you have achieved for each of the Competencies Guiding Principals on which you focused.
Considerable Progress
Some Progress
No Progress
Not Applicable
Integrating oral health and general health
Programming for all life stages (lifespan approach)
Recognizing and reducing oral health disparities
Identifying, leveraging and using resources
Social responsibility to advocate for/serve underserved populations
Demonstrating an understanding and respect for other professions, their goals and roles
Respecting diversity and attaining cultural competency, including fostering health literacy
Dedication to lifelong learning and quality improvement
9.As a result of the Peer Support Program, indicate the level of progress you have achieved for each of the Competency Domains on which you focused.
Considerable Progress
Some Progress
No Progress
Not Applicable
Build Support for Collective Impact
Collect, Analyze and Summarize Data
Assess, Plan, Implement and Evaluate Programs
Recruit and Retain a Competent and Adequate Workforce
Assure Support for Programs
Use Public Health and Dental Public Health Science
Lead Strategically
10.As a result of the Peer Support Program, did you make any specific changes or improvements to your state/territorial program, staffing or processes? 
11.Did you experience any barriers that impacted your experience in the Peer Support Program?
12.Are you involved with any ASTDD committees or work groups? (Check all that apply.)
13.If you are not currently serving on any ASTDD committees or work groups, which would you be interested in joining? (Check all that apply.)
14.We would appreciate any other comments or suggestions for improving this program.
15.Would you be interested in  mentoring a new state dental director/oral health program manager in the future?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered