
Detroit Eastern Market Corporation is exploring the development of a local individually quick frozen (IQF) processing center as a way of extending the season for fruits and vegetables from regional growers.

(For reference, individually quick frozen or IQF products are frozen using a process that freezes each piece separately to maintain product moisture, shape and quality - as opposed to block freezing.)

Your input is important and will help us gauge the level of interest in purchasing locally grown individually quick frozen (IQF) products. The survey results for this study will be kept strictly confidential and only published in summary form so as not to reveal information about individual respondents.

The survey will take approximately 15­-20 minutes to complete. Please complete this survey by January 31, 2016. Please forward the survey link to other buyers who may be interested.

If you have any questions, please contact Chelsea Katz at

Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Choose the option below that best describes your operation.

Question Title

* 2. In what zip code is your primary facility (where you receive food deliveries)?