Chronic Respiratory Conditions Management During the COVID Era

1.What is your age?
2.Have you been diagnosed with a respiratory condition?
3.About You – please tick the following that applies to you:
4.Since COVID, do you worry about coughing in public?
5.Have COVID questions/screening prevented you from seeing your GP for respiratory management i.e. Asthma/COPD
6.Have you had a telehealth consult for your respiratory condition?
7.Did you need to lie or omit symptoms to attend your GP in relation to your Asthma/COPD?
8.Did you need to have a COVID test to see your GP due to your Asthma symptoms?
9.In relation to your respiratory conditions - Do you feel your respiratory management has been neglected since COVID started?
10.Have you had your COVID vaccine?
11.Please share any additional comments or suggestions: